Managing Technologies
Since 1998

01 _ About us


Since 1998 we have been successfully engaged in the financial support, transformation and management of patentable innovations and early stage investments. Our specialists and network partners are skilled with many years of experience in the acquisition, implementation and in the marketing of disruptive technologies.



First Class Network
Early Participation & High Security
Experience & Expertise


patents we have registered since 1998.


world economic crises we have survived so far.



of our projects are equity-financed.

03 _ Our Team


Dr. Heiner Pollert

CEO & Founder


Dr. Heiner Pollert

CEO & Founder

Dr. Heiner Pollert is CEO and managing director of the Patentpool Group. He founded Patentpool Innovationsmanagement GmbH in Munich in 1998.


Dr. Pollert is an expert in the fields of intellectual property and innovation management. In 1998, he founded the Patentpool Group, headquartered in Munich, with a focus on innovation promotion and management of patentable technologies. Dr. Pollert is also the first chairman of the German Institute for Inventions, Senator for Economics in the BVMW, and founder and former CEO of Ravenpack AG.

Dr. Jochen Reich

Head of IP, external Patent Attorney


Dr. Jochen Reich

Head of IP, external Patent Attorney

As a German and European patent attorney specializing in information technology and computer science, Dr. Jochen Reich and his team represent clients in all aspects of patent law.


He holds a doctorate in computer science from the Technical University of Munich and is chairman of the patent working group of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, which represents the largest computer science community in the German-speaking world. Dr. Reich operates his law firm in Munich in close proximity to the German and European Patent Offices.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel

CTO - Nano Technology and Engineering


Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel

CTO - Nano Technology and Engineering

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schimmel is CTO of the Patentpool Group in the field of nanotechnology and engineering.


He is co-founder of the Institute of Nanotechnology of the Karlsruhe Research Center (KIT) and since 1998 head of the research group for nanostructuring and scanning probe techniques. In 1995 he habilitated at the University of Bayreuth, where his scientific work focused on surface physics.

Hardy Schloer



Hardy Schloer


Hardy Schloer is inventor and CTO of the Patentpool Group in and responsible for IT.


He has more than 40 years of experience in system design and development. Schloer is founder and owner of the Schloer Consulting Group and board member of several think tanks around the world, such as the Club of Amsterdam, Forum 21 and many more. Schloer is also founder and former CEO of Ravenpack International.

Dr. Ahmadudin Wais

Director Middle East and Asia


Dr. Ahmadudin Wais

Director Middle East and Asia

Dr. Ahmadudin Wais studied at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany, where he received his PhD in phytomedicine and plant pathology.


After numerous research and development projects, such as the control of locust plagues in Central Asia (FAO, UN), Dr. Wais specialized in energy and infrastructure projects, mainly in the fields of oil, gas and solar, in Oman. Since 2022, Dr. Wais has been heading the Global Invention Gathering LLC in Muscat for the Patentpool Group as Director for Middle East and Asia.

04 _ Career

Become part of our fast growing team

Job Offer


Entry Date

Team Assistant / Office Manager Part or Full Time (f/m/d)
Patentpool Group
as of now
Venture Associate (f/m/d)
Patentpool Group
as of now
Manager (f/m/d)
Patentpool Group
as of now

05 _ History



Foundation of Patentpool Innovationsmanagement GmbH in Munich by Dr. Heiner Pollert. The founding partners were the two venture capital funds IMH and HVC as well as TBG (technology participation company of the German compensation bank)


Foundation of Ravenpack International SL with CTO Hardy F. Schloer. Ravenpack still is the undisputed global technology leader in the field of "Sentiment Analysis" for banks and hedge funds


Exit of the venture capital funds IMH and HVC with a return of 35%.


Dr. Pollert is assigned Senator for Economic Affairs of the Federal Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Sale of iFlex ski boot technology to Atomic. The "Atomic Hawx" undisputedly still is one of the most successful ski boots of all times


Dr. Heiner Pollert is assigned first chairman of the German Institute for Inventions (Deutsches Institut für Erfindungswesen e.V.),, which has been awarding Europe's oldest innovation award, the Diesel Medal, for more than 67 years


Major project "Aircoating Technologies" obtains funding from the European Commission in the amount of 5.3 million Euros


Top target "Prisma Analytics" was awarded the "FinX Global Fintech Start Up of the Year" award in Dubai in 2018; The "Decision Point" app is available on the "Refinitive Platform" (formerly Thomson Reuters' EIKON)


New major project: "Bavaria Weed" is licensed as one of the German GMP-certified producers of medical cannabis (GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice)


The research project ARES (Aircoating Technologies) is awarded the first Validation Prize, a funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung).


Sales start of the app Decision Point, the first product of Prisma Analytics GmbH.


Prisma Analytics enters into a strategic partnership with the Decisive Group of Dubai to build the first Big Data AI "Situation Room".


Bavaria Weed is one of the first German companies to receive a GMP license to import and distribute cannabis flowers.


Prisma Analytics publishes the freely accessible Covid-19 Dashboard, a state-of-the-art computational linguistic analysis of the collective mood around the corona virus.


Bavaria Weed is already attracting extensive media attention before entering the market and receiving its first deliveries from Canada.


Zoe Life Technologies AG being part of the Patentpool Group wins revocation proceedings against Microsoft before German Federal Supreme Court which is well recognized by the patent community and well covered by international press coverage.


Patentpool Group starts a broad licensing program of the valid patent protecting basic technologies which form the basis for modern cloud computing.

06 _ FAQ


  • What type of investment opportunities do we offer?

    With us, investors have the opportunity to subscribe to yield-oriented investments in early-stage technologies within the framework of the legal requirements. This asset class has been one of the most successful ones in the world for decades.

  • What opportunities and risks do these investments entail?

    The early involvement in projects that address future-oriented markets and, due to their careful selection and patent protection, pose little risk, offer high opportunities with manageable risks.


    However, it is in the nature of companies which develop future technologies that it is often not predictable whenever the technology will prevail on the market. In contrast, there are chances of high returns. The MP3 technology of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is a good example: Only after more than 20 years of development the technology yielded a return – but then in the billions.


    The target companies are primarily financed by equity (eliminates risk of debt), are suitable for subsidies, serve a (sometimes exponentially growing) future market and are protected by property rights, patents and licenses with a long lifespan. This also enables, if necessary, the realization of infringement opportunities (patent infringement claims) and grants the investor sustainability and best opportunities.

  • Wherefrom do we generate projects for our portfolio?

    Due to the reputation of the Patentpool Group and the permanent collaboration with the German Institute for Inventions e.V. and our numerous industrial partners, an almost inexhaustible deal flow persists. Most interesting inventions are presented to this network at an early stage. This allows for a top-class project selection that ideally harbors synergetic potential.

  • What security features characterize our projects?

    Our approach is designed to ensure the greatest possible risk minimization through a comprehensive package of security criteria. The key features include:

    • Comprehensive protection of property rights
    • Experienced management
    • Low overheads
    • Equity financing
    • Suitability for subsidies
    • Focus on future and growth markets
    • Possibility of a freeze strategy

07 _ Our Values

  • Long-term partnership: A close and above all long-term partnership with the innovators is an important prerequisite for us to be able to implement projects in the targeted manner.
  • Trust & security: The trust of our partners is important to us. We are very careful to act transparently and in the interest of our partners, as well as to minimize risks and create security.
  • Sustainability: Future-oriented, sustainable thinking and acting are prerequisites for the economic success of start-ups. Therefore, we only take on projects that meet these requirements and have been assessed by our experts as ethically, morally and ecologically justifiable.

08 _ Contact